Saturday, December 3, 2011

God has made me strong enough

In life there are so many questions and not nearly enough time to have each one answered.  We wonder what the purpose of life is, how we got here, where we are going, what will become of us, and why we have to go through difficult times in our lives.

 As some of you may know, I have been going through a difficult time in my own life.  I have many questions that I cannot find answers to.  At times, my life feels like a roller coaster ride and  I never know what will happen from day to day.

  I don't understand why I have to go through this, but I know that God is in control of all things and that He never lets His children go through anything that they cannot handle. Just this thought alone gives me peace. Knowing that God thinks I am strong enough to handle this situation and that He will lead me through it gives me the strength to keep going.

So many times I have prayed and it seems like God has not answered, but I have not given up. Looking back upon these two years I can clearly see how God has provided for my family and can count every blessing.  I know there is a reason why I am having to go through this and even though I do not know what that reason is, I know that God has shown himself to me more clearly than ever before.

 I am so grateful to God for all that Has given me and blessed me with.  Even though some days I feel so overwhelmed and confused, I never stop giving God the glory.  I know He will carry me through and each time I see him at work I know that He has not forgotten about me. He will answer my prayer when HIS timing is right.

Thank you to everyone who has been praying.  You all mean so much to me!

I would like to share a song with you that has special meaning to me.  It is called Strong Enough written by Matthew West. His songs seem heartfelt and deal with  many of the issues and struggles that we face as Christians.

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