Sunday, August 7, 2011

Through the Lord's eyes

The Lord has given His followers the special ability to be His shining light, exuding His power with every ounce of our being in everything that we do. People know we are different because of how we act. We are different. Along with having the attitude of the Lord, we are given a small look at the world through His eyes.  If you put on the full armor of Christ and are dedicated to our spiritual walk, our attitudes will reflect that. This is because our perspectives will have changed.  Instead of our old perspective which was inclined to the ways of the world and the desires of our flesh, we now have the perspective of the Holy Spirit that is working within us and has allowed us to see through a new pair of eyes—our spiritual eyes. We  are now able to have a small glimpse at what the Lord sees. What exactly does He see every time He looks at us, at the world? He does not see a bunch of sinners, He sees a  His children who are lost and need to be shown the way back to Him. He looks on the world with compassion and grace.  If we look at the world in this same way, we will be better able to go into the world and be the Lord's shining lights, bringing compassion and love to everyone we encounter so that we can lead those people back to their Creator and Lord. Because we are looking through the Lord's eyes, it will be easier for us to set aside all of the negativity in the world and focus on the positive things in life-- while also helping us to feel a sense of   peace and constant joy.  We have been completely changed by having the Spirit of the Lord within us and with this priceless gift we are equipped with the immeasurable power to change the lives of others.  Once the complete change has taken place in one person and they begin to see through the Lord's eyes, their attitude becomes contagious and will begin to 'infect' many other people--a chain reaction, of sorts. Each individual who looks at the world through the Lord's eyes has more power and influence than what is ever imaginable. This is the most exciting thing of all---knowing that whoever you are, wherever you are, you can influence and change the lives of people all around you. I challenge you to look through the Lord's eyes and see what a difference it makes in your life.